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Poetry Prose and Other Words

by Ken Ingham

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Liability or Death!

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  5-Leaf Ivy Logo

Poetry Prose and Other Words

by Ken Ingham

home - poems - essays - autobio - retroblog
music - reading - other
- Gaia

















Liability or Death!


Past civilizations have turned to dust
But never before on such a scale
As what now threatens to extinguish us
Are you willing to spend time in jail?
To fast thirty days for an urgent cause?
Lock arms in defense of endangered birds?
A few greedy gangsters are gaming our laws
Let's skewer them with incisive words
Shouted by thousands in synchronous breath

On Wall Street, on the steps of headquarters
Of the most egregious corporations
Give them liability or give them death!
God hath no mercy on job exporters!
No political campaign donations!
No personhood for any Inc!
Capitalism begs regulation!
Tax the bottom line until it's almost pink!

We don't want no Ayn Rand Nation
And we don't wanna go extinct!


by ken@nethingham.org